Craft films

Observing craftsmen as they manipulate raw materials with expertise, take them through several transformative stages and slowly morph them into refined finished objects can be quite an engrossing sight.

Crafts Council Nederland produced nine videos about nine masters in contemporary crafts that transform material in beautiful objects. We have listed them here. In these videos you get to meet the people that choose to go against the current of mass production and put all there effort in quality and their craftsmanship. Making things by hand involves time-consuming processes. A process that most of us have never encountered before. We often fail to notice the magic that happens in between as we are more concerned about the end result rather than the method, effort and passion that goes into producing an object.

Noticeably, there’s a rekindled interest in quality objects that tell a story about their origins and the hands that formed them. The return to craftsmanship is not about being anti-industry but more about embracing heritage with an added contemporary perspective and preventing beautiful old techniques from becoming obsolete.

Videos and editing by Thijs Adriaans.